World Down Syndrome Congress 2024 Brisbane, Australia

The event is only 10 months away and preparations are well under way to deliver an educational and informative World Down Syndrome Congress 2024 in Brisbane, Australia from 9-12 July 2024 that will bring together families, leading international experts and advocates in a broad range of fields, as well as the opportunity to experience Australia with its unique environment.
We will also have an exciting social program to bring you the best of Australian music, culture and cuisine.

To find out more about the Congress, go to

Can you share this information?
We would really appreciate it if you could share some information on the Congress with your members and contacts. We have included information below, and also encourage you to follow our World Down Syndrome Congress Facebook page to stay up to date (and to share content from there with your Facebook followers).

Would your organisation like to participate?
There are also numerous opportunities for organisations to sponsor or exhibit at WDSC2024. You can find more information and our sponsorship and exhibition prospectus on the website here.

You may also like to submit an Abstract to present or perform at the Congress – you can find more information about that here.

Any questions?
If you have any questions, please contact or email Liz Willis at

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane next year.

Logo WDSC Brisbane 2024
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