World Birth Defects Day 2017

World Birth Defects Day (March 3) is less than one month away, it is time to start/increase the activity on social media. 
March of Dimes has kindly activated a Thunderclap page. The campaign can be supported via Twitter, Facebook, Thumblr.

The main purpose of the World Birth Defects Day is to increase awareness on birth defects, so we strongly recommend to disseminate the link to Thunderclap among your professional and personal contacts, inviting them to support the campaign.
This year’s goal is to reach 500 supporters by March 3, but we hope to exceed last year’s result (947 supporters). Please note that the number of supporters is the best metric to evaluate the success of the WBDD.

The “WBDD 2017 Toolkit” provides you with information and instructions on how to join the WBDD activities, mainly through social media.

Thank you all for your precious collaboration.

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