WDSD 2024 “Health Equity for All” – Spain

Practicing sports in an inclusive way generates physical, biological and psychological benefits for Nicolás, while allowing him to strengthen his social life, self-esteem and sense of belonging to the community. 
Nicolás and his family love rugby. The training day is marked on the agenda as the most fun of the entire week.

Practicar deporte en inclusión genera beneficios físicos, biológicos y psicológicos para Nicolás al mismo tiempo que le permite reforzar su vida social, su autoestima y su sentido de pertenencia a la Comunidad.
A Nicolás y a su familia les encanta el rugby. E dic de entrenamiento está marcado en la agenda el más divertido de toda de la semana.

A boy with Down syndrom plays with a rugby ball in front of his face.
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