WDSD 2024 “Health Equity for All” – Czech Republic

Jan has been fighting with a drug-resistant form of epilepsy for years. In the photo he is posing at one of the many check-ups at Motol University Hospital, Department of Neurology, with his attending physician, the amazing Dr. Jana Zárubová. She is a top expert in her field and at the same time a great person. Only thanks to her and her willingness to help many times beyond her “duties” Honza is still with us and we think he is living a relatively good life. 

Jan léta bojuje s farmakorezistentní formou epilepsie. Na fotce pózuje na jedné z mnoha kontrol ve fakultní nemocnici Motol, oddělení neurologie, se svou ošetřující lékařkou, úžasnou paní doktorkou MUDr. Janou Zárubovou. Je špičkovou odbornicí ve svém oboru a zároveň skvělým člověkem. Jen díky ní a její ochotě mnohokrát pomoci nad rámec svých “povinností” s námi Honza ještě je a myslíme si, že žije poměrně kvalitní život.

A young man swith DS stands next to a female doctor. He has his arm around her shoulder and they are both looking at the camera.
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