WDSD 2023 “With-Us-Not-For-Us” – Switzerland (Ticino)

Guglielmo Hug and Gaia Mereu are actively working to self-determine how to live as a couple. Discovering and developing their emotions and independence as a couple implies a lot of interactions with their families and networks, who work with them to find solutions to their needs and wishes, so that they can plan their future together. 

Gaia is 21 years old, Guglielmo is 29, they both live in Ticino (Switzerland).  
Gaia works as a dancer for the professional contemporary dance company MOPS_DanceSyndrome – made up entirely of young adults with Down Syndrome – in Locarno and trains 2 days a week since 2016, she works 2.5 days per week with a local foundation as a saleswoman, cook, and embroiderer  and is also doing an internship at H&M in Lugano.

Guglielmo works as bartender and waiter at Bisprò of Solduno in Locarno. They both have many interests and activities that they cultivate with each other as a couple and with their friends.

Guglielmo Hug e Gaia Mereu stanno lavorando attivamento per autodeterminarsi nella loro vita di coppia. Scoprire e sviluppare le proprie emozioni e la loro indipendenza come coppia implica molte interazioni con le loro famiglie e con le reti di sostegno, che lavorano con loro per trovare soluzioni ai loro desideri e bisogni affinché possano pianificare il loro futuro insieme.

Gaia ha 21 anni, Guglielmo ne ha 29, entrambi vivono in Ticino (Svizzera).
Gaia lavora come danzatrice per la compagnia di danza professionaale MOPS_DanceSyndrome – composta da giovani adulti con sindrome di Down – a Locarno, si allena 2 giorni a settimana dal 2016. Lavora anche 2.5 giorni a settimana in una fondazione locale nell’ambito della vendita, gastronomia e sartoria, e sta svolgendo uno stage inclusivo presso H&M Lugano. 

Guglielmo lavora come barista e cameriere presso il Bisprò di Locarno. Entrambi hanno molte attività e interessi che coltivano insieme come coppia e con i loro amici.

Photo: © Mario Curti per MOPS_DanceSyndrome 2021

Poster of the 2023 EDSA WDSD Poster campaign “With Us Not For Us”. The photo shows a woman putting her hand around a man’s shoulder. He is holding her hand, both are smiling at the camera and both have Down’s syndrome. Text to the photo shown: Guglielmo and Gaia are actively working to self-determine how to live as a couple.
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