WDSD 2023 “With-Us-Not-For-Us” – Malta

Ms Naomi Pace Gasan is one of the committee members in the Down Syndrome Association Malta Committee.  Here the committee is discussing the points on the agenda and Naomi is participating fully like all the other members including a final decision by submitting a vote. 

Is-sinjorina Naomi Pace Gasan hija wahda mill-membri tal-Kumitat tal-Assocjazzjoni Down Syndrome.  Hawnhekk il-Kumitat qed jiddiskuti l-punti fuq l-agenda u Naomi qed tippartecipa bis-shih bhal membri l-ohra fejn wkoll ittiehdet decizjoni finali permezz ta vote.

Poster of the 2023 EDSA WDSD Poster campaign “With Us Not For Us”. The photo shows a group of people with Down syndrome sitting around a table discussing. Text to the photo shown: ONaomi (Pace Gasan) discusses and decides in the DSA Malta Committee.
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