WDSD 2022 “Inclusion means…” – Norway

Thomas is a 21 year old man who loves his job and is looking forward to moving to his own appartment shortly. He works as much as he can to save up for his new flat. As his job already has a low salary a proposed change in regulation, leading to even less salary paid was not something Thomas could leave unchallenged. 

This picture show Thomas in the TV studio of the most popular debate program in Norway, with several of the most important politicians in the country alongside him, listening to his story. His efforts paid off: the proposed change was cancelled. Having access to media and decision makers is needed to reach inclusion. 

Thomas er en 21 år gammel mann som elsker jobben sin og gleder seg til å flytte til sin egen leilighet om kort tid. Han jobber så mye han kan for å spare til sin nye leilighet. Siden jobben hans allerede har lav lønn, kunne ikke Thomas sitte stille og finne seg i en regulering gjort av den nye regjeringen som ville føre til enda mindre lønn.

Dette bildet viser Thomas i TV-studioet til det mest populære debattprogrammet i Norge, med flere av de viktigste politikerne i landet ved siden av seg, som lytter til historien hans. Thomas sin innsats lønnet seg: den foreslåtte endringen ble kansellert. Å ha tilgang til medier og beslutningstakere er nødvendig for å nå inkludering.

A young man with Down syndrome stands next to a row of politicians in a television studio.
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