WDSD 2022 “Inclusion means…” – Malta

When you believe and recognise the abilities of persons with the condition of Down Syndrome the result is amazing.  

The Friendship Circle a group of youths within The Down Syndrome Association Malta were given the opportunity to work in a one day cafeteria, a project called Coffee with a Smile funded by the Maltese Youth Agency (Be-active).  

The participants managed to run and work as a team together with some support and serve numerous clients who joined for coffees and sweets.  This project was a real success so much so that a similar project will be implemented again this year.

Meta temmen u tagħraf l-abilitajiet ta‘ persuni bil-kundizzjoni Down Syndrome ir-riżultat huwa nkredibli. 

Il-Friendship Circle, grupp ta’ żgħażagħ fi ħdan l-Assocjazzjoni Down Syndrome Malta ngħataw l-opportunità li jaħdmu ġurnata f’kafetterija, proġett bl-isem Coffee with a Smile iffinanzjat mill-Aġenzija Żgħażagħ ta Malta (Be-active). 

Il-parteċipanti rnexxielhom imexxu u jaħdmu flimkien bħala tim bi ftit ghajnuna u jaqdu bosta klijenti billi servew kafè u ħelu. Dan il-proġett kien ta suċċess tant li proġett simili se jerġa’ jiġi implimentat ghal darba ohra din is-sena.

Three young people with Down syndrome stand in a row at the counter of a cafeteria.
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