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For me inclusion means:
- going to kindergarten, playing and learning with my peers
- going to elementary school and studying with my peers
- going to high school and being an assistant chef
- an open door to a world of work, equality, acceptance and friendship
- working in a restaurant at Zagreb Airport (at BTA Croatia)
- communicating in Turkish which I learn with great joy
- communicating with restaurant guests, sometimes in English
- communicating daily with colleagues at work, guests, and sometimes people from public life
- acquiring work skills and responsibilities
- having the opportunity to learn how to save the money I earn
- understanding the value of money
- deciding how I will spend the money I earn
- joy, pride and socializing with friends
- working with my bosses who always have a smile as wide as the sky for me.
Inkluzija za mene znači:
- ići u vrtić, igrati se i učiti s mojim vršnjacima
- ići u srednju školu i biti pomoćni kuhar
- otvorena vrata u svijet rada, ravnopravnosti, prihvaćanja i prijateljstva
- raditi u restoranu u zagrebačkoj zračnoj luci (u BTA Hrvatska)
- komunikaciju na turskom jeziku kojeg učim s velikom radošću
- komunikaciju s gostima restorana, ponekad i na engleskom jeziku
- svakodnevnu komunikaciju s kolegama na poslu, gostima, a ponekad i osobama iz javnog života
- stjecati radne vještine i odgovornosti
- priliku da naučim kako štedjeti novac koji zaradim
- razumjeti vrijednost novca
- odlučiti kako ću potrošiti novac kojeg zaradim
- radost, ponos i druženje s prijateljima
- suradnju s mojim šefovima koji za mene uvijek imaju osmijeh velik kao nebo.