This is the project that we developed at the Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down during COVID and that we still maintain today.

Emotional support during the period of confinement due to COVID

The independent living and inclusive leisure services of the FCSD have activated different virtual spaces for telematic support, peer support groups and participation activities for users since the beginning of the pandemic.

One of the activities was the video with the song Quédate en tu casa. It means „Stay at home“ and it is the title of a song from a very popular catalan band called “La pegatina”.
This video was made during the lockdownperiod, in a virtual karaoke participated by users and educators from our services of leisure and independent living, with the purpose to give them emotional support and recreation. 
In those difficult days we have needed chances of company and fun.

Acompanyament emocional durant el període de confinament per COVID

Els serveis de vida independent i d’oci inclusiu de la FCSD vam activar diferents espais virtuals de suport telemàtic, grups de suport entre iguals i activitats de participació per a persones usuàries des de l’inici de la pandèmia.

Acompañamiento emocional durante el periodo de confinamiento por COVID

Acompañamiento emocional durante el periodo de confinamiento por COVID
Los servicios de vida independiente y de ocio inclusivo de la FCSD activamos diferentes espacios virtuales de apoyo telemático, grupos de apoyo entre iguales y actividades de participación para personas usuarias desde el inicio de la pandemia.

Different other services from FCSD:

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