WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Norway

Dette er Bentine fra Bergen. Bentine øver til Hip Hop-opptreden i Grieghallen. Hun elsker å være på scenen. Bentine har valgt å bruke det meste av fritiden sin på dans og teater.

This is Bentine from Bergen. Bentine rehearses for Hip Hop performance in The Grieg Consert Hall. She loves being on stage. Bentine has decided to spend most of her spare time on dancing and the theatre.

All people with Down syndrome should have full participation in decision making about matters relating to or affecting their lives.
Effective and meaningful participation is a core human rights principle supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Starting on 1 March 2020, we show 21 examples of people with Down syndrome from across Europe to make clear: “We Decide”.

Bentine rehearses for Hip Hop performance in The Grieg Consert Hall.
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