WDSD 2019 “Leave no one behind!” – Poland

21 March is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The motto of this year’s event is: Leave no one behind!
EDSA has asked their members to show people with Down syndrome taking part in activities together with others. Starting on 1 March, we show 21 examples from across Europe to make it clear that no one should be left behind!

Children love play parties and spending time together. They can teach us that we are able to laugh out loud, make funny faces and have fun! Kids are kids no matter the number of chromosomes.

Dzieci kochają spotkania i wspólne spędzanie czasu. Potrafią nas nauczyć, że wszyscy możemy śmiać się na głos, robić śmieszne miny i dobrze się bawić. Dzieci są dziećmi bez względu na liczbę chromosomów. 

A group of happy children with and without DS are sitting on a sofa.
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