WDSD 2019 “Leave no one behind!” – Luxemburg

21 March is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The motto of this year’s event is: Leave no one behind!
EDSA has asked their members to show people with Down syndrome taking part in activities together with others. Starting on 1 March, we show 21 examples from across Europe to make it clear that no one should be left behind!

The „Kolonie Emol Anescht“ was developed in 2016 and is an integrated colony, with people with and without specific needs. The idea was to offer an integral holiday opportunity for youngsters with down syndrome and gave them the chance to spend a great and eventful time with other youngsters. It is always a very harmonious group, in which no distinction is made whether or not one has a disability. Integrate everyone into the group and leaving no one behind is a clear message of this colony. After the three consecutive colonies, the 4th colony will take place in September 2019. We are already looking forward to this.

D‘Kolonie Emol Anescht gëtt et säit 2016 an ass eng integrativ Kolonie, bei der Leit mat an ouni spezifesch Bedierfnisser kënne matgoen. D‘Iddi war et fir Jugendleche mat Trisomie21 eng integratif Vakanzeméiglechkeet ze bidden an der si mat anere Jugendlechen eng flott an erliefnisräich Zäit kënne verbréngen. Et ass ëmmer eng ganz harmonesch Grupp, bei der keen Ënnerscheed gemaach gëtt ob een eng Beanträchtegung huet oder net. D‘gëtt jiddereen an de Grupp integréiert. No dräi erfollgeräiche Kolonie wäert am September 2019 déi 4. Kolonie stattfannen. Mir freeën eis elo schonn.

The group of youngsters, in which no distinction is made whether or not one has a disability.
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