WDSD 2019 “Leave no one behind!” – Hungary

21 March is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The motto of this year’s event is: Leave no one behind!
EDSA has asked their members to show people with Down syndrome taking part in activities together with others. Starting on 1 March, we show 21 examples from across Europe to make it clear that no one should be left behind!

The name of the young man György Novák (Gyurcsi), he is working in the Premier KultCafe (, Budapest with other people with disabilities. Premier Kultcafé is the largest disability-friendly cultural space in Europe located in the heart of the Hungarian capital, Budapest. The place is run by the “Adopt A Teddy Bear Foundation”, founded by Törőcsik Mari, one of the most privileged actresses in Hungary. We provide working opportunities for people with disabilities. Here you are welcomed by a cinema, cultural center, café and several events. 

Európa legnagyobb alapterületű fogyatékosság-barát közösségi és kulturális tere, ahol találsz kávézót, pékséget, mozit és egy akadálymentes rendezvénytermet változatos programokkal. Kultúrplacc az elfogadás és a befogadás jegyében. Integrált munkahely, ahol fogyatékossággal élők is dolgoznak.

A young waiter with Down syndrome serves an older couple a meal in a cafe.
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