WDSD 2019 “Leave no one behind!” – Croatia

21 March is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The motto of this year’s event is: Leave no one behind!
EDSA has asked their members to show people with Down syndrome taking part in activities together with others. Starting on 1 March, we show 21 examples from across Europe to make it clear that no one should be left behind!

Laura Filipaj and Kristijan Vuković are three years old toddlers, who became first kids models in Croatia representing a domestic brand for kids clothing. This modeling role was so natural to them and they showed to the world how kids with DS can really achieve anything if you just give them a chance. Their fashion story continues through fashion editorials which are helping these little rascals to learn and explore, to develop their creativity and imagination.
Modeling is also helping them to create a positive self-image and confidence in the fashion world and at the same time in everyday life. They are walking proof that kids with DS have their place in fashion as in advertising.
Small kids for a big change walking down through a „runway“ of breaking prejudices. 

Laura Filipaj i Kristijan Vuković, dvoje trogodišnjaka, nedavno su postali prvi modeli sa Down sindromom u Hrvatskoj predstavljajući brand dječje odjeće. U toj su se ulozi odlično snašli te dokazali svima kako djeca sa Down sindromom mogu doista mnogo ako im se pruži prilika da to pokažu. Njihova modna priča se nastavlja kroz brojne modno osmišljene editorijale prilikom kojih ovo dvoje klinaca, kroz igru i zabavu, stječu nova životna iskustva, te razvijaju maštu i kreativnost.
Modeling kod njih ima veliku ulogu u stvaranju pozitivne slike o sebi i stjecanju samopouzdanja, pa su tako Laura i Kristijan već sada pravi mali modeli, opušteni i veseli pred kamerama i publikom. Dokazuju nam kako djeca sa Down sindomom imaju svoje mjesto, kako u svijetu mode i oglašavanja, tako i u drugim sferama života. 
Oni su  mala djeca, za  VELIKE promjene. Odlučno i samouvjereno kroče svojom „pistom“ na putu prema rušenju predrasuda!

Laura and Kristijan modeling on stage representing a domestic brand for kids clothing.
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