WDSD 2019 “Leave no one behind!” – Albania

21 March is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The motto of this year’s event is: Leave no one behind!
EDSA has asked their members to show people with Down syndrome taking part in activities together with others. Starting on 1 March, we show 21 examples from across Europe to make it clear that no one should be left behind!

Leave no one behind! 
My name is Aldo. When playing, my friends don‘t leave me behind. I participate and some times I even lead the game. I am very lucky for the friends I have in the village where I live.

Askush të mos mbetet pas!
Une jam Aldo. Kur luajmë, shokët dhe shoqet e mij nuk më lënë pas! Unë jam shumë aktiv në lojë dhe ndonjëherë dhe ndonjëherë dhe i udhëheq ata. Unë jam shumë me fat për shokët dhe shoqet që kam ne fshatin ku jetoj.

Some children form an archway by holding hands above their heads. A little boy with DS runs laughing through it.
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