WDSD 2018 “My contribution to community” – Ukraine

All people with Down syndrome must have opportunities to contribute to the community and live valued lives, included on a full and equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.
For World Down Syndrome Day 2018, EDSA has asked their members all over Europe to submit personal statements to tell the world what people with Down syndrome bring to their communities. Starting 1 March we bring 21 examples explaining how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions whether in schools, workplaces, in social, political and public life, culture, media, leisure and sport.

Аня була членом команди рецепції на Другій Всеукраїнській Конференції по синдрому Дауна, яка відбувалась у Києві, 10-11 листопада 2017 р. Вона зустрічала Гостей та роздавала папки з матеріалами конференції. Це було наочним прикладом того, як люди з синдромом Дауна можуть бути корисними у співпраці. Аня робила свою роботу старанно та з радістю. Доброзичливість на натхнення від можливостей це –  її вклад у суспільство.

Anna was a member of the reception team on the 2nd Ukrainian Down Syndrome Conference (Kiev, November 10-11, 2017). She has met the guests giving them information material about the event. It was a wonderful example of the active participation of a person with Down Syndrome and her support of the organizing team. Anna has done her job with great accuracy and pleasure. Friendliness and inspiration are her contribution to community.

You would like to read more reports from other European countries? Click here.

A young woman with DS at the reception desk greets a participant of the congress and presents her information material about the event.
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