WDSD 2018 “My contribution to community” – Switzerland

All people with Down syndrome must have opportunities to contribute to the community and live valued lives, included on a full and equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.
For World Down Syndrome Day 2018, EDSA has asked their members all over Europe to submit personal statements to tell the world what people with Down syndrome bring to their communities. Starting 1 March we bring 21 examples explaining how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions whether in schools, workplaces, in social, political and public life, culture, media, leisure and sport.

Elisabetta balla con la compagnia di danza MOPS_DanceSyndrome composta unicamente da danzatori con Sindrome di Down. Si esibiscono regolarmente con i loro spettacoli di alta qualità, contenuto e bellezza incantando il pubblico presente. (© photo M. Curti)

Elisabetta dances with the dance company MOPS_DanceSyndrome, a unique troupe composed only by Down syndrome dancers. They regularly perform high quality shows that charm the audience with their content and beauty. (© photo M. Curti)

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Elisabetta performing a dance some spectators in the background.
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