WDSD 2018 “My contribution to community” – Russia

All people with Down syndrome must have opportunities to contribute to the community and live valued lives, included on a full and equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.
For World Down Syndrome Day 2018, EDSA has asked their members all over Europe to submit personal statements to tell the world what people with Down syndrome bring to their communities. Starting 1 March we bring 21 examples explaining how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions whether in schools, workplaces, in social, political and public life, culture, media, leisure and sport.

Ходить на работу каждый день для вас обычная рутина. Римма работает только один день в неделю, но для нее это большое достижение. Она приносит большую пользу обществу своей работой, делая все это с улыбкой. Покупатели благодарны ей за дружелюбие и готовность всегда помочь.
To have a daily job is an ordinary thing for you. Rimma works only one day a week, but for her this is an achievement. She contributes her voluntary work and her smile to the community. Customers are grateful for her friendliness and readiness to help.

You would like to read more reports from other European countries? Click here.

Rimma in work clothes, together with a colleague at work.
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