WDSD 2018 “My contribution to community” – France

All people with Down syndrome must have opportunities to contribute to the community and live valued lives, included on a full and equal basis with others, in all aspects of society.
For World Down Syndrome Day 2018, EDSA has asked their members all over Europe to submit personal statements to tell the world what people with Down syndrome bring to their communities. Starting 1 March we bring 21 examples explaining how people with Down syndrome can and do make meaningful contributions whether in schools, workplaces, in social, political and public life, culture, media, leisure and sport.

Nicolas, Alexandrine,Camille sont administrateurs.
Alexandrine est la vice présidente #3 (avec T21)
aux côtés de 2 autres vice présidents (#1-un parent et#2- un contributeur)
L‘ordre du jour est rédigé en FALC    
Un „facilitateur“ est présent pour aider aux échanges dans les 2 sens, quand le besoin se présente.
La réunion est préparée avant, avec un parent Administrateur et le facilitateur, ainsi les administrateurs avec T21 peuvent  exprimer les points sur lesquels ils veulent intervenir au cours de la réunion.
Leurs opinions sont pris en compte, comme celles des autres administrateurs dans les décisions de l‘association et ils participent aux votes bien évidemment.

Nicolas, Alexandrine and Camille are administrators.
Alexandrine is vice president#3, next to vice president#1 (a parent) and vice president #2 (a contributor)
The agenda of the meeting is written in „easy to read and understand language“
A „facilitator“ is present to help both ways exchanges, if the need occurs.
The meeting is prepared ahead of time with a parent administrator and facilitator, thus the administrators with DS may prepare themselves on what points they have something to say during the board meeting.
Their opinions are contributions like any other administrator‘s, towards the decisions to be taken. They participate of course to all the votes.

You would like to read more reports from other European countries? Click here.

Nicolas, Alexandrine and Camille sit together with some of the other board members at a table. In front of them they have nameplates and meeting documents, also a beamer can be seen.
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