T21RS Science & Society Symposium 2017

T21RS Science & Society Symposium 2017.
Chicago, Saturday June 10th 2017

After a very successful and lively kick-off symposium in Paris (June 2015), the Comittee for Science & Society again organized the Science & Society Symposium at the second T21RS International Conference in Chicago, USA. On Saturday 10th of June 2017, this special session took place with the theme: ‘Down syndrome organizations as research partners’. Each attending association briefly introduced themselves, focusing on how they (could) contribute to research. Besides getting acquainted with each other, the Symposium was aimed at sharing thoughts and ideas, and discussing about research and future directions. Diana Bianchi (USA), director of NICHD, chaired a sub-session on ‘the pros and cons of having a relative with Down syndrome participate in clinical research’, followed by a sub-session on ‘medical policies for people with Down syndrome’ and the Association Introduction Round.
The Committee looks back at an inspiring and interactive Science & Society Symposium, and would like to thank all participating associations, family members and attendees for their input and the lively discussion.

Sponsored by the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)
Session coordination: Committee for Science & Society; Session chair: Peter De Deyn

Click here for the PDF of the T21RS Science & Society Symposium (Introduction to T21RS Committee for Science & Society and the Assocation Introduction Round).

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