Project LEBEL – I Learn and Get beyond my limits

Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2024 17.00 – 18.00 CET
Speakers: Paola Molteni and Elena Zanfroni, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan Italy
Translation: Croatian, Czech, French, German, Turkish and Ukrainian

Project LEBEL – I Learn and Get beyond my limits,
Emergency situations involving individuals with Down syndrome – perspectives and good practices for families and caregivers

The Research and Study Centre “CeDisMa”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) has taken a key role in the Erasmus+ Project LEBEL – Learn and Get beyond my limits, coordinated by AFAD – the public Civil Protection agency in Turkey, actively involved in the rescue and management of emergencies, such as the recent terrible earthquake.
EDSA and the EDSA member Down syndrome Turkey were also both partners in this project.

Across this project, the research team developed a deep interest in understanding how to support individuals with Autism, Down syndrome and an intellectual disability, care givers and emergency professionals in developing specific skills to properly act and support others in an emergency situation.
In this seminar, Paola Molteni and Elena Zanfroni will present and share good practices and suggestions for caregivers and individuals with intellectual disability in order to face and manage emergency situations.


Paola Molteni

Paola Molteni

PhD in Pedagogy (Education) from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore on the topic “Autism at school: educational and teaching strategies for inclusion”. She has carried out research activities at the Autism Centre for Education and Research (University of Birmingham, UK) and collaborated with the State University of New York (New Paltz, NY). Lecturer in the Workshop on Educational Issues for Persons with Autism and the Workshop on Special Pedagogy.
Pedagogical consultant at the Centre for Autism – Cascina San Vincenzo Onlus. Pedagogical consultant at nursery, primary and secondary schools and actively collaborates with the Provincial School Office and CTS of Monza and Brianza. She has worked as an educator in the field of special pedagogy in Italy (Milan and province) and in the United States (Anderson Center for Autism, Staatsburg, NY).

Elena Zanfroni

Elena Zanfroni

Associate Professor of Didactics and Special Pedagogy (M-PED/03) at the Faculty of Education, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. Lecturer in “Pedagogy on inclusion”, “Design of Integrated Educational Activities”, “Pedagogy of Human Resources A” and “Methodology of Educational and Special Activities” at the Piacenza campus of the same University.
Coordinator of internship activities for the Master’s degree course in Pedagogical Counselling for Disability and Marginality. Coordinator of CeDisMa, Centre for Studies and Research on Disability and Marginality. Past President of the Lombardy regional office of the National Association of Italian Pedagogists (ANPE). Founding member of the Associazione Insieme per i Bambini ONLUS. Member of SIPeS (Italian Society of Special Pedagogy).

More Information:
Website of the Lebel Project :

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