OMO – On My Own at Work

“OMO – On My Own … at work” project funded by the European Commission, program Erasmus + Key Action 2 (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships). Officially launched in September 2014, the project will last 36 months. The partners of OMO are AIPD – Associazione Italiana Persone Down (leading organization), EDSA – Euopean Down Syndrome Association, Fondazione Adecco Italy, Fundacion Adecco Spain, APPT21 – Associação Portuguesa de Portadores de Trissomia 21, Axis Hotéis & Golfe Group, Sol Melià Italia, Alma Mater Bologna University, Roma Tre University.

The Omo project aims to break barriers and open doors for an accessible and inclusive society for people with Down syndrome. The project aims at designing, developing, testing, delivering, as well as diffusing a training method with the goal of enhancing the learning process of people with Down syndrome willing to work in the hospitality business. The project provides the development of advanced educational tools specifically designed for hotel tutors (videos on ways to improve the tutor-trainee with DS relationship) and innovative learning materials (pocket interactive resources) for youngsters with DS who will achieve an internship at a hotel and gain knowledge, skills, and competencies to perform the tasks of selected job positions.

It will be created a European network of “friendly hotels”, which – in agreement with Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers – will host internships/placements of people with Down syndrome, according to quality process rules and adopting the tools developed within the project. Hotels participating in the network and willing to systematically provide work opportunities to persons with Down syndrome implementing the established code of conduct will be awarded with a label. Through these activities, the Omo project will contribute to facilitate access of European people with Down syndrome to VET in the hotel sector, enhancing the creation of long-lasting collaborative partnerships between VET agencies (mainstream schools and disability associations) and hotel employers.

For any further information please write to AIPD c/o

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