My voice counts – Slovenia 4

Logo World Down Syndrome DayWorld Down Syndrome Day 2017:

Moje ime je Gregor. Prihajam iz Slovenije. V prostem času počnem veliko stvari, ki me osrečujejo. Najraje berem knjige, hodim na ples in plesne vaje, hodim k novinarskemu krožku, se ukvarjam s športom – prav tako kot ti! Moj glas šteje!

My name is Gregor. I come from Slovenia. In my free time I do a lot of things that makes me happy. I read books, go to the dance and dance lessons, go to the Journalists’ club. I do many things – just like you! My voice counts!

Male Slovenian youth with DS holding a sign in his hands with his statement for WDSD 2017
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