My voice counts – Croatia

Logo World Down Syndrome DayWorld Down Syndrome Day 2017:

Zovem se Marina i živim u Hrvatskoj.

Živim i radim u Solinu. Radim u dječjem vrtiću na stroju za peglanje. Imam dobre kolegice koje me poštuju. Želim da se u mom gradu svi mogu zaposliti. Zato želim sudjelovati u izboru gradonačelnika. I moj glas se računa!

My name is Marina, I live in Croatia.
I live and work in town Solin. I work on the machine board in the kindergarten. I have good colleagues that respect me. I wish that anyone can be employed in my town. That’s why I want to take part in the election of the mayor. My voice counts!

Young woman with Down syndrome holding a sign above her head with her statement to WDSD 2017.
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