“My friends, my community” – Slovenia

21.03.2016 – World Down-Syndrome Day:

Tomaž and the Sport Alpine Club Krško – everyone benefits

Tomaž: I am participating in the sport alpine club to get physical exercise and take care of my health. The club is operated by the instructors of the Alpine association Krško. I am happy when I climb on the climbing wall or on a rock. I am the happiest when I earn a medal in a competition. Beside climbing I like very much to help our instructors preparing the climbing wall. I feel very good when I am together with other children and instructors. I am already a real climber. (Tomaž Zupančič, 18 years)
Nejc: Participation of Tomaž in the club is helping both, him and those who are working with him. During the years we work together, we have all made good progress. Tomaž has developped his physical movements, and we have advanced in understanding and accepting those different from us. Tomaž presence is a great contribution to all other children participating in the club, his peers, who are getting a special socialisation and are learning – as well as the adults – how to accept persons with special needs. Both, children and adults , have lost possible prejudices about children with DS. (Nejc Pozvek, instructor of sport climbing, Alpine association, Krško)

Tomaž in Posavsko alpinistično društvo Krško – koristen dosežek za vse

Tomaž: Na krožek športnega plezanja hodim zato, da se gibam in tako skrbim za svoje zdravje. Krožek izvajajo inštruktorji Posavskega alpinističnega kluba Krško. Srečen sem, ko preplezam smer na plezalni steni ali v skali. Najbolj pa sem vesel, ko usvojim medaljo na tekmi. Poleg plezanja zelo rad pomagam tudi inštruktorjem pri pripravi  plezalne stene in skrbim za urejenost športne dvorane. V družbi otrok in inštruktorjev mi je zelo lepo. Sem že pravi plezalec. (Tomaž Zupančič)
Nejc: Tomaževa udeležba na krožku pomaga tako njemu kot nam, ki se z njim ukvarjamo. V teh letih smo vsi napredovali; Tomaž  zagotovo gibalno, mi pa predvsem v dojemanju in sprejemanju drugačnosti. Tomaževa prisotnost je velik doprinos tudi za ostale krožkarje, njegove sovrstnike, ki so ob druženju deležni svojevrstne socializacije in se prav tako kot odrasli učijo sprejemati vrstnike, ob tem pa izgubljajo predsodke o otrocih z Downovim sindromom. (Nejc Pozvek, inštruktor športnega plezanja)

Tomaž with his instructor of sport climbing, Alpine association, Krško
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