Mini-Symposium on Alzheimer Disease – 16 October 2020

T21RS is pleased to invite you to a mini-symposium hosted by EU local chapter in collaboration with the Italian DS research group.

14:30Down syndrome and Alzheimer disease:
Advancements in preclinical and clinical research
Moderatore: Prof.ssa Renata Bartesaghi
14:30 – 14:55Yann Herault, University of Strasburg:
Modeling Down syndrome in animals from the early stage to the 4.0 models and next
15:00 – 15:15Fiorenza Stagni, University of Bologna:
The benefit of early therapy in Down syndrome: lesson from the Ts65Dn model
15:20 – 15:35Eugenio Barone, Sapienza University of Rome:
Brain insulin resistance triggers early onset Alzheimer disease in Down Syndrome
15:40 – 16:05Alain Dekker, University of Groningen:
Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in Down Syndrome

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 8831 8497 7306
Passcode: AmTJm5

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