EDSA brings together organizations from across Europe to share information and promote collaboration to improve life for people with Down syndrome and their families.

Members can be: national, regional or local non-profit organizations, corporations or associations of persons with Down syndrome and representing persons with Down syndrome active in one of the countries of the European Union or in Europe.
More information about membership in article 5 of EDSA’s statutes.

Membership fee

To be a member of EDSA an organization has to pay a fee of 100 Euros in the first full year. Thereafter the annual fee is 300 Euros. This fee is due before end of March in the year concerned upon receipt of the invoice from the EDSA treasurer.

Joining EDSA?

If your organization would like to join EDSA, please fill in the application form and send it together with a copy of the statutes of your organization to This copy may be in your original language. The application will then be discussed and agreed on in the next AGA (Annual General Assembly), mostly taken place in autumn.

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