Let’s Try ICT

Logotype of Erasmus+ programThe Turkish Down Syndrome Association and EDSA member is partner of an Erasmus+ Project called “Let’s Try ICT”. Let’s Try I©T is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. From 01.10.2015 until 30.09.2017 the project focuses on the usage of mobile APPs and other helpful IT-Tools in the context of ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care). The usage of these tools shall be increased by information tools (e.g. web based ‘APP Advisor’) and information campaigns. The goal of Let’s try I©T is

  • To increase skills, knowledge and awareness of ECEC professionals with regard to learning-support APPS for vulnerable children towards higher effectiveness of ECEC services
  • Enabling blended learning processes within a community of practice, using prior experience with community of practice approaches in other sectors (comparable e.g. to ‘trip advisor’).
  • To narrow the observable gap between available research/technology in ICT for vulnerable children and operative lack of transfer towards professionals in ECEC by tutoring pathways – in order to increase the quality of services and their output (e.g. preacademic skills)

You can follow the link for detailed information here.

Image of a T shirt with visual “Let’s try ICT“
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