Italian documentary “Give right to rights”

The italian documentary “Give right to rights” participated in the Spotlight Film Awards and has been selected as one of the top documentary films of the year.

Life expectancy of people with Down syndrome (Ds), due to recent developments of the medical science and increased care, has passed from 24 years in the 60’s to 62 years.
It gets urgent that these people raise their awareness as citizens and that more effective methods to enable them to take part in politics.
Even if “self advocacy” is both a principle and a practice quite spread all over the disability world, most part of Down syndrome (Ds) do not exercise their political rights, due to lack of:

  • Awareness and education of people with intellectual disabilities themselves;
  • Awareness of their families, carers and professionals who work with them;
  • Facilitating measures and tools by Public Authorities.

Gold award winner Spotlight Documentary Film Awards 2017Year: 2016
 | Runtime: 53 min
 | Directed By: Christian Angeli
 | Produced by: Associazione Italiana Persone Down Onlus
 | Language: Italian and English subtitles
Documentary made within the project “Diritto ai diritti”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policies (l.383 / 2000 annuality 2014).
Watch the film and read more on the page in English about the documentary.

View the doc with English subtitles here.

teaser: diritto ai diritti
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