Healthy DS

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The European project HEALTHY DS will promote the reduction of obesity in persons with Down Syndrome

HEALTHY DS will increase the competences of persons with Down Syndrome, families and professionals regarding the prevention and reduction of the obesity through the development of an innovative training program focused in promoting healthy lifestyles and self-autonomy.

FUNDACIÓN ASINDOWN (Spain) leads the European Project HEALTHY DS focused in the development of a training program addressed to persons with Down Syndrome, families and professionals, with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles and self-autonony for reducing obesity and increasing quality of life of life of persons with Down Syndrome.

During the project, to be executed from September 2015 to September 2017, the Consortium will develop training materials and an online platform for implementing the training methodology. About 40 persons with Syndrome, families and professionals will participate in the validation of the project results, creating a first direct impact.

The Consortium is formed by other entities working in the field of supporting persons with Down Syndrome, like DRUŠTVO DOWNOV SINDROM SLOVENIJA, DDSS (Slovenia), ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE PORTADORES DE TRISSOMIA 21, APPT21 (Portugal), DOWN EGYESÜLET (Hungary) and ASOCIATIA LANGDON DOWN OLTENIA CENTRUL EDUCATIONAL TEODORA, ALDO-CET (Romania). FUNDACIÓN LLUIS ALCANYIS of University of Valencia (Spain) is participating as nutritional expert as well as the TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IAT (Germany) as expert in the development of ICT Tools adapted to persons with disabilities.


HEALTHY DS is a project funded by the European Commission within the ERASMUS+ 2015 Programme.

Visit the project website at

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