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Portal de información y formación sobre el síndrome de Down en lengua español

An enormous amount of interesting and up-to-date-information on Down Syndrome can be found in the DownCiclopedia, part of the project Canal Down21of the Fundación Iberoamericana Down 21.

In the DownCiclopedia you will find all the information published by the Fundación Iberoamericana Down21 on their websites, in their magazines and books in the past 15 years. Among this are also the results of important studies on DS from all over the world.

The project called Canal Down21 ( started 2000.
Jesús Flórez, MD, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology, Founder and President of the Fundación Iberoamericana Down 21, a world known expert, is the man behind this project.

The first virtual magazine – “Revista Virtual” – was launched 2000. The year after a Forum started on CanalDown21. Since 2009 the Fundación has published numerous books online as well as a special magazine for and about adults with Down Syndrome, called “Vida adulta”.
The latest project, since 2016 is the DownCyclopedia.

The websites (in spanish language only) to the project:

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