WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Slovenia

Young man exercising on a bicycle in a gym.

„Rad imam šport. Najbolj všeč mi je, da lahko sam izberem kje in kdaj bom telovadil.“ “I love the sport. What I like the most is that I can choose when and where I will practice sport.” All people with Down syndrome should have full participation in decision making about matters relating to or affecting […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Austria

Nicola voting at a polling place.

„Ich bin Nicola. Seit vielen Jahren schon interessiere ich mich sehr für die Politik in unserem Land. Ich kenne die wichtigsten Politiker und ihre Parteien. Und bin sehr stolz, auch selbst wählen zu dürfen. Denn die Gesetze in unserem Land haben ja einen direkten Einfluss auf mein Leben. Meine Stimme – meine Entscheidung!“ “My name […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Turkey

Ömer in a clothing store holds up two jackets to look at and to decide which one to buy.

Ömer, kıyafetlerini kendi tarzına göre seçer. Mağazaları dolaşır, fiyatlara bakar ve kendi tarzına ve bütçesine uygun kıyafetleri seçerek alışverişini keyifle tamamlar. Ömer chooses his clothes in style that he likes. He checks the stores, looks at the prices, and completes his shopping with pleasure by choosing the most suitable ones for him. All people with […]

World Down Syndrome Day 2020 – “We Decide”

“We Decide” All people with Down syndrome should have full participation in decision making about matters relating to or affecting their lives.Effective and meaningful participation is a core human rights principle supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The reality today The reality today is that prevailing negative […]

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