WDSD 2020 Poster Campaign “We decide” has come to an end

Miniatures of all poster motifs from the campaign

We would like to say thank you to all those who sent us photos and texts. It was certainly not always easy to find a suitable photo scene for this slogan. Nevertheless, we succeeded in a good campaign, although due to the coronavirus Covid-19 most of the planned public activities and actions unfortunately had to […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Czech Republic

Kateřinan pushes the button of the elevator with a smile.

Tak jako se Kateřina rozhodne, kterým výtahem a kam pojede, tak se umí rozhodovat v běžných denních záležitostech. The same way as Kateřina decides which lift to use and which floor she is going to, she can also decide about ordinary things in her everyday life. All people with Down syndrome should have full participation in […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Russia

Young woman with DS washing the hair of a customer at the hairdresser’s.

„Я рада, что могу сама решить, что мне читать, какую одежду носить и где работать! Я хочу изучать новые вещи и знакомиться с новыми людьми. А еще мне нравится помогать людям стать красивее и счастливее. Это меня тоже радует!“ “I am glad that I can decide what to read, what to wear and where to […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Norway

Bentine rehearses for Hip Hop performance in The Grieg Consert Hall.

Dette er Bentine fra Bergen. Bentine øver til Hip Hop-opptreden i Grieghallen. Hun elsker å være på scenen. Bentine har valgt å bruke det meste av fritiden sin på dans og teater. This is Bentine from Bergen. Bentine rehearses for Hip Hop performance in The Grieg Consert Hall. She loves being on stage. Bentine has decided […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Netherlands

Anne-José explains how to operate the copier.

Anne-José van der Kolk (28) werkt op een protestants-christelijke basisschool met acht groepen en ook kinderopvang. Er zijn zo’n 200 leerlingen. Zelf zegt ze: ‘Ja, als conciërge heb ik elke dag veel te doen. Ik begin om half negen en ben klaar als alles af is. Dat is meestal om twaalf uur, soms iets later.’ […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Denmark

Karl Emil with friends and fans

»Jeg beslutter at følge mine drømme om at blive kendt og berømt i mit samfund, uanset hvad andre måtte mene, at mine grænser er.Jeg beslutter at dele mine meninger, tekster og følelser med mine venner og familie – og endda med mine følgere på de sociale medier.Jeg beslutter at nyde at have fans og skrive […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Kosovo

Ndalore Likaj at work in a local pharmacy.

Ndalore Likaj – ajo ka vendosur që karrieren e sajë ta vazhdoj në një farmaci lokale, ajo është përgjegjëse për të mirëmbajtur dhe renditur ilaqet” Ndalore Likaj – she decided to pursue a career in a local pharmacy, now she is responsible to maintain the medicines in order 😉 All people with Down syndrome should […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Luxemburg

Young people dancing, some of them have Down syndrome.

We decide to dance! Et ass immens wichteg eng Fräizäitaktivitéit ze hunn, déi engem den Ausgläich zum restleche stressegen Alldag gëtt. Mat Freed um Danzen an un der Musek, si mir Deel vun ënnerschiddleche ëffentleche Spektakelen a gehéieren zur Gesellschaft derzou. Mir decidéieren eisem beléiften Hobby nozegoen an domadden Deel vun engem inklusiven Danzensembel ze […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Albania

A girl with Down syndrome chooses which pair of socks she likes to wear.

Jam ende e vogël që t‘i marr të gjitha vendimet vetë për veten, por sa i përket veshjes „Unë vendos vetë“ I am still too young to decide for everything on my own, but when it comes to what to wear „I decide“. All people with Down syndrome should have full participation in decision making […]

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Croatia

Ivan shows which hairstyle he would like to have.

Ivan radi u kafiću i trudi se svaki dan lijepo zgledati. Kada dođe vrijeme za šišanje, sam odlazi u frizerski salon i bira kako će nakon šišanja izgledati. Ivan works at a cafe bar and tries to look nice every day. When the time for a haircut comes, he visits a hairstylist and chooses how […]