Mental Wellness in Adults with Down syndrome – Free PDF download
Mental Wellness in Adults with Down syndrome Written by Dennis McGuire, Ph.D. & Brian Chicoine, M.D. Now as a free pdf. For all parents, health practitioners, and caregivers who support teens and adults with Down syndrome this book is a must read!It can now be down loaded for free on the website of the Advocate Medical Group’s […]
Ignoring DS – Memoirs and Reflections
Ignoring DS – Memoirs and Reflections Andy Trias Trueta from Barcelona has compiled his reflections, articles and memoirs in handwritten notebooks for more than sixteen years.Now, thanks to a selection of some of his best writings, he shows a good part of his opinions and his thoughts. The reader will be able to enter his […]
NEW EDITION: Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome
A Guide to Emotional and Behavioral Strengths and Challenges. This thoroughly updated second edition of Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome is upbeat and accessible in tone, yet encyclopedic in scope. The size of the book reflects both the breadth of the authors’ knowledge—acquired as cofounders of the first medical clinic dedicated solely to […]
GLOBAL Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome
The GLOBAL Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome provide first of-kind, evidence-based medical recommendations to support clinicians in their care of adults with Down syndrome. This life-changing resource as published in JAMA covers 9 topic areas deemed critically important for the health and well-being of adults with Down syndrome and outlines critical future […]
Le futur de la trisomie 21
New publication on Down Syndrome. A curative perspective is emerging for Down Syndrome, a genetic condition that affects several million people around the world. Genetic therapies in the process of being updated are likely to profoundly modify the development of people with the condition. At the same time, more ambitious cognitive pharmacotherapy is being introduced […]
New series of booklets on autonomy
Publisher Erickson produces new series of booklets. The series comes from the experiences of “Programmes for teaching autonomy” led by the AIPD (Italian Association for people with Down Syndrome). Each book offers material, activities and exercises for teaching the basics of autonomy to children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. All the books, which are written […]
New Polish song “JaTez”
The song’s mission is to raise the awareness about DS (and in general about people with disabilities), and the fact that people with DS have the same dreams and passions, just like us. We believe that it can bring a lot of good and the more people will see it, the better. Jakub Proma’s letter […]
Italian documentary “Give right to rights”
The italian documentary “Give right to rights” participated in the Spotlight Film Awards and has been selected as one of the top documentary films of the year. Life expectancy of people with Down syndrome (Ds), due to recent developments of the medical science and increased care, has passed from 24 years in the 60’s to […]
The Essential Guide to Safe Travel-Training
The Essential Guide to Safe Travel-Training for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities In five clear steps, this guide, written by Dr Desirée Gallimore, will equip you to teach children to travel safely and independently. The first book of its kind, it focuses on goal-setting and preparation techniques while detailing obstacles that may arise along […]
Easy-to read books from Norway – great success
Nina Skauge: I am a mother to a young man with Downs Syndrome. He is now 28, but when he was younger I searched for books that he could read. Or, to be honest, books we could read together, since he is not a very skilled reader. Well, such books turned out to be almost […]