Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign above his head with his statement to WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Ireland

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. My Name is Fionn Crombie Angus, I am from Ireland. I live in the west of Ireland, dividing my time between Mountshannon, a small … Read more

Young man with Down syndrome in a church, holding up a board with his statement.

My voice counts – Austria

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Ich gehe gerne ministrieren, am liebsten leuchte ich mit der Kerze, wenn das Evangelium vorgelesen wird. Ich bin aktiver Teil der Gemeinde und ich … Read more

Young lady with Down-syndrom holding a sheet of paper with a statement in front of her

My voice counts – Luxemburg

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Mein Numm ass Pauline, ech lierwen zu Lëtzebuerg. Ech wëll méng Famill glécklech maachen. Ech wëll Fridden a Gerechtegkeet op der Welt. Meng Stëmm … Read more

Young male from Germany with Down syndrome holding up a sign with his statement.

My voice counts – Germany

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Meine Stimme zählt in der Arbeit, da helfe ich auch in der Waschküche. Und in Sport will ich, dass in Tischtennis und in den … Read more

Young women with Down syndrome holding a sign with her statement

My voice counts – Slovenia

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Sem Anja, prihajam iz Slovenije. Vsak dan hodim v službo. Vključena sem v društvo Downov sindrom Slovenja. Ob torkih se pripeljem v Ljubljano, kjer … Read more

Young male person with Down syndrome holding a sign with his statement in front of his chest.

My voice counts – Kosovo

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Quhem Aldi Hoxha, jam i lindur me dt: 06.07.1996 në qytetin e Gjakovës dhe jam 20 vjeç. Shkollimin fillore e kam përfunduar në shkollën … Read more

Young couple with Down syndrome on the old town square in Prague holding up a sign with their statement.

My voice counts – Czech Republic

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Jmenuji se Lucka a můj přítel Vašek. Bydlíme v České republice. Oba pracujeme v chráněné dílně, já šiju a Vašek dělá výrobky z keramiky. Ve … Read more

Young spanisch women holding sign with statement

My voice counts – Spain

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Mi nombre es Cristina Isabel, vivo y trabajo en Madrid, España. Una de las cosas de las que más orgullosa me siento más orgullosa … Read more

Young male holding sign with statement in front of his chest

My voice counts – Netherlands

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Af en toe geef ik presentaties over Downsyndroom voor ouders, maar ook op universiteiten en andere vormen van onderwijs. Ik wil anderen graag informeren … Read more