Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign above his head with his statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Italy

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Mi chiamo Leonardo. Ho 25 anni. Vivo a Pisa dove lavoro ad Ikea. Ora faccio parte del gruppo circoli dove con i miei amici … Read more

Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign above his head with his statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Ukraine

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Мене звати Роман. Я живу в Україні. Дуже люблю своє місто Коломию. Мрію мати свою власну сім’ю і дітей. Я член правління благодійного фонду … Read more

Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign in front of him with his statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Portugal

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Olá, eu sou o Hugo Gosto muito de ir todos os dias para o meu trabalho, onde sei que precisam de mim e contam … Read more


DSi 2017 WDSD Global Video Event

Down Syndrome International (DSi) presents messages from people with Down syndrome, among their friends and peers. They talk about how it is important for their voices to be heard, as equal … Read more

Young woman with Down syndrome holding a sign above her head with her statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Turkey

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Benim adım Senem, Türkiye’de yaşıyorum. Gittiğim bağımsızlık akademisi gibi, down sendromlu gençler için akademi açmak istiyorum. Üniversiteye gitmek istiyorum. Sesimi duyun! My name is … Read more

Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign with his statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Albania

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Unë quhem Gersi dhe jetoj në Shqipëri. Unë jam notar dhe vazhdoj shkollimin profesional për IT. Përmes suksesit tim unë do t’i tregoj opinionit … Read more

Young woman with Down syndrome holding a sign above her head with her statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Hungary

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Járok táncolni, és dolgozom a színházban, és remélem a színdarabok, amiket előadunk a társaimmal, örömet szereznek másoknak. A házimunkában is segítek anyának. Odafigyelek a … Read more

Young man with Down syndrome holding a sign in front of him with his statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Great Britain

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. My name is Vinay and I have worked for the Down’s Syndrome Association for 17 years. I work with the fundraising team as Fundraising … Read more

Young woman with Down syndrome holding a sign above her head with her statement to WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Poland

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Mam na imię Patrycja. Mieszkam w Polsce. W moim kraju jest wiele organizacji, które działają na rzecz osób z Zespołem Downa i ja należe … Read more