People with Down syndrome from all European countries at the European parliament

People with DS meet MEPs in Brussels.

People with Down syndrome from all European countries were invited to Brussels on 21.3.2017. They had the opportunity to meet MEPs on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day.

Male Slovenian youth with DS holding a sign in his hands with his statement for WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Slovenia 4

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Moje ime je Gregor. Prihajam iz Slovenije. V prostem času počnem veliko stvari, ki me osrečujejo. Najraje berem knjige, hodim na ples in plesne … Read more

Young Slovenian woman with DS, holding a sign in her hands with a statement on WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Slovenia 3

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Moje ime je Mateja, prihajam iz Ljubljane, Slovenije. Ravno sem dobila novo službo, tu v Ljubljani. Tam izdelujem škornje. Na društvu Downov sindrom Slovenija … Read more

Young male youth with DS from Slovenia, holding a sign with a statement above his head.

My voice counts – Slovenia 2

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Moje ime je Jan Matevž. Sem član društva Downov sindrom Slovenija. Moj glas šteje! My name is Jan Matevž. I am member of Down … Read more

Young man with DS from Turkey holding a sign with his statement on WDSD 2017 above his head.

My voice counts – Turkey 4

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Benim adım Ümit, Türkiye’de yaşıyorum. Şu an bir kafede garson olarak çalışıyorum ve bağımsız yaşayarak kendi ayaklarımın üstünde duruyorum. İleride Down Sendromu Derneği’nde çalışmak … Read more

Young Turkish lady with DS holding a sign above her head with a statement on WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Turkey 3

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Benim adım Özge, Türkiye’de yaşıyorum. Dosyaları ve evrakları toparlamayı çok seviyorum. Sekreter olup para kazanmak istiyorum. Şarkı söylemeyi çok seviyorum. Bir koroda görevliyim ve … Read more

Young Turkish man with DS holding a sign with his statement on WDSD 2017 above his head

My voice counts – Turkey 2

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Benim adım Erdi, Türkiye’de yaşıyorum.  Spor yapmayı ve maç izlemeyi çok seviyorum. Fırsat buldukça futbol oynuyorum. Benim gibi gençlere yönelik daha çeşitli sportif faaliyetlerin … Read more

Young Croatian woman holding up a sign with her statement to WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Croatia 2

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Croatia:  Text: Zovem se Mia i živim u Hrvatskoj. Radim u DM-u. Obožavam raditi i u svojoj udruzi. Želim da se moje mišljenje prihvaća. Zato … Read more

Young Norwegian woman with DS with a sign in her hands, showing her statement for WDSD 2017

My voice counts – Norway

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Marte Wexelsen Goksøyr er forfatter, skuespiller og debattant. Hun brenner for temaer som mobbing og diskriminering. Temaene går igjen i hennes bøker som skaper … Read more

Young woman with Down syndrome holding a sign above her head with her statement to WDSD 2017.

My voice counts – Croatia

World Down Syndrome Day 2017: #MyVoiceMyCommunity. Zovem se Marina i živim u Hrvatskoj. 
Živim i radim u Solinu. Radim u dječjem vrtiću na stroju za peglanje. Imam dobre kolegice koje … Read more