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T21RS Science & Society Symposium 2017

T21RS Science & Society Symposium 2017. Chicago, Saturday June 10th 2017 After a very successful and lively kick-off symposium in Paris (June 2015), the Comittee for Science & Society again … Read more

Image of a T shirt with visual “Let’s try ICT“

Let’s Try ICT

The Turkish Down Syndrome Association and EDSA member is partner of an Erasmus+ Project called “Let’s Try ICT”. Let’s Try I©T is a European project within the frame of Erasmus+ … Read more

Pat Clarke, DS Ireland and board member of EDSA, elected to Vice President of EDF, and Tania Michalenko, DS Ukraina and board member of EDSA, together with Carla, who works for CERMI, the Spanish National Council

Building an inclusive disability movement

EDF’s Annual General Assembly (AGA) in Madrid, Spain, last weekend (13.- 15.05.2017) brought together over 200 participants, including AGA delegates, observers, partners, guests and members of the global disability movement. … Read more


Portal de información y formación sobre el síndrome de Down en lengua español An enormous amount of interesting and up-to-date-information on Down Syndrome can be found in the DownCiclopedia, part … Read more