Flash Mob on 21 March 2019

On the World Down Syndrome Day 2019 all DS-associations and DS-groups are invited to take part in a European Flash Mob Action. The slogan is: #citizenlikeyou and matches the universal … Read more

3rd T21RS International Conference

We are less than one year away from our scientific meeting – an event that cannot be missed! The 3rd International Conference of the Trisomy 21 Research Society will be … Read more

EDSA board members in Madrid

EDSA-Seminar on Job Inclusion

After the presentation of the results of the survey on job inclusion in Europe the seminar program went on with ca. 10 presentations on job inclusion from different countries. A … Read more

Painting titled Dance of the Chromosomes

Exhibition Deep Down Arts

A collective exhibition of artists with Down syndrome Deep Down Arts provides artists with Down Syndrome from around the globe the platform to show their vision of the world. The … Read more