DSi COVID-19 survey of member organisations – April 2020 – Summary of results

DSi COVID-19 survey

The DSi has sent all its members a questionnaire with questions about the situation of people with Down syndrome and COVID-19 with the aim of getting an overview of how … Read more

Young woman with DS washing the hair of a customer at the hairdresser’s.

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Russia

„Я рада, что могу сама решить, что мне читать, какую одежду носить и где работать! Я хочу изучать новые вещи и знакомиться с новыми людьми. А еще мне нравится помогать … Read more

Ndalore Likaj at work in a local pharmacy.

WDSD 2020 “We decide!” – Kosovo

Ndalore Likaj – ajo ka vendosur që karrieren e sajë ta vazhdoj në një farmaci lokale, ajo është përgjegjëse për të mirëmbajtur dhe renditur ilaqet” Ndalore Likaj – she decided … Read more