ALI – All living independently


1 October 2023 was the starting date for a new Erasmus + project called All living independently. Since EDSA is a partner in this project, together with three of its members, AIPD Potenza from Italy, Down Syndrom Czech, Trisomie 21 Luxemburg we would like to report about it regularly.
But also for the reason that ALI is a so called small-scale partnerships project, especially created to show associations that have not dared to participate in an EU project until now, how such a project works.
The third reason why we are reporting regularly is, that in the course of the project we will ask for your cooperation by testing the product that will be created.

Small-scale partnerships – What does it mean?

Small-scale Partnerships are designed to widen access to the Erasmus+, the EU Programme for school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport.
With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations, less experienced organisations and newcomers to the Programme, reducing entry barriers to the programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity.

In our project the DS associations from Czech Republic, Luxemburg, AIPD Potenza and EDSA will work together – all more or less newcomers to the programme.

What is ALI about?

ALI means All living independently.

  • It includes the design, the development, the test and the diffusion of a training course on independent living of people with Down syndrome. This is to be carried out by the partners in the project.
  • The starting date is 1st October 2023 and the project end is 31st January 2025
  • The financial budget of the ALI project is 60.000 Euro.

The output of the project: A course on independent living

By the end of the ALI-project there will be an online training course on Independent living of people with DS. The course will be

  • Completely delivered online;
  • Open to access by anyone without cost, entry qualifications or other restrictions.

The content of the ALI-course:

  • Basic principles of independent living (main concepts, methods, actors, usual difficulties)
  • Personal autonomy (washing, dressing, eating), management of spaces and things. Social rules.
  • External autonomy (moving, using money, communicating, shopping). The role of parents and of professionals.

Each module will contain:

  • 1 ppt presentation of max 30 slides
  • At least 2 videos
  • 1 assessment questionnaire
  • 1 simulation game and/or worksheet

Who benefits from the ALI Project?

  1. Families. Independent Living is a “compulsory” dimension for the education of any person with DS, in different levels and modalities according to the age and personal features of the individual.Independent Living is also a necessary pre-requirement for job inclusion of people with DS.
  2. VET professionals Because for the role they play, they are expected to carefully evaluate and guide would be workers with DS.
  3. Young people with Down Syndrome, who follow the course. Because both personal and external autonomy are necessary – many job placements of people with DS fail because of a lack of Independent Living skills. The course will exactly deal with these topics.

After the project this special designed material for young people with DS can be used by all EDSA members! As there is little learning material available for teaching young people, the ALI material will be a great help.

In the next article we will give more detailed information about the exact procedure, the way of testing the material, when and how other EDSA members can join in for testing.

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